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Below are recent news stories about ATV safety. If you have seen any news stories or developments you think we should post, please email us at [email protected].

Important ATV Safety Advice; Former NBA Player Rodney Rogers Injured in ATV Accident
Associated Content

In a tragic turn of events, former NBA player Rodney Rogers was paralyzed in an all-terrain vehicle accident (ATV ) on December 1st, 2008, when he fell off his vehicle in the woods of Vance County, as reported by ESPN. He played in the NBA for 12 years and was acclaimed for his ability to shoot 3-pointers; a whopping 34.7 percent average for over a decade of playing. Rogers, now aged 37, could not give up his love for the outdoors and extreme sports - which included runs on his ATV vehicle.
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New safety act gets tough on ATVs - but not tough enough

ll terrain vehicles?or ATVs?continue to take lives, particularly young lives. But in a small step in the right direction, ATVs will be subject to some additional safety standards in the future, and three-wheel ATVs are now banned altogether, due to some new mandatory requirements in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The ATV provisions of the CPSIA require that any new ATV sold in the U.S. be subject to an action plan?a written protocol that prescribes steps the ATV maker or seller must take to ensure ATV safety, such as rider training, distribution of safety information, and appropriate age recommendations. Future ATV action plans must be approved by the CPSC, and each new ATV offered for sale must bear a label certifying its compliance with the applicable action plan.
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CPSC Investigates Yamaha's Rhino and UTV Safety Standards

After more than 30 reported fatalities, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is investigating recreational off-highway vehicles, also known as utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), which are unregulated by the commission. Yamaha Motor Company?s Rhino is a focus of the probe by the CPSC, and the company also faces more than 200 lawsuits, several alleging safety problems with the design of the product. [ read more ]

ATV accidents, Yamaha Rhino accidents under scrutiny by U.S. government – Part III
Charles Boyk Law Offices, LLC Blog

Our Toledo, Ohio ATV accident attorneys had help continuing their blog series on ATV safety from the co-founder of Concerned Families for ATV Safety, Sue Rabe. The Rabe family lost their son, Kyle, to an ATV accident when he was only 10 years old. He had been riding for over a year and a half without any accidents. His parents write on the website that he was a very cautious, skilled rider wearing boots, gloves, several layers of clothing and a full face, approved helmet. [ read more ]

Ellie’s Mission Page & the Dangers of Yamaha Rhino 660

Ellie’s Mission page is published to make the public more aware of the dangers of Yamaha Rhinos. Ellie was a young child who died as a result of riding in a Yamaha Rhino. She was riding with a young adult with her seat belt on. As the driver was going at a normal speed on a flat filed, the Yamaha Rhino tipped over crushing Ellie. Although she was rushed to the hospital, Ellie died as a result of the tragedy. According to Ellie’s Mission page, Rhino drivers and Rhino riders have suffered serious injuries and in some instances, death, when their Yamaha Rhinos rolled over. These incidents have occurred all over the country. [ read more ]

Children's ATV injuries rise for eighth year, report says
The Press of Atlantic City

A coalition of consumer and health groups released data last week showing that serious injuries to children caused by all-terrain vehicles increased for the eighth year in a row, and children younger than 16 continued to suffer a significant portion of those injuries. The groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Federation of America, have been calling for years for government and industry to aggressively combat the problem of children being injured or killed on the vehicles. While the government recommends that children younger than 16 not ride ATVs with engines larger than 90ccs, compliance is voluntary and the recommendations often ignored. "This new report shows more of the same - continued high death and injury rates among children on all-terrain vehicles," American Academy of Pediatrics President Dr. David T. Taylor Jr. said in a statement. [ read more ]

Yamaha Rhino investigated after ATV accidents

Our Toledo, Ohio ATV accident lawyers have seen firsthand the types of injuries that ATV accidents can cause, as well as how those personal injuries can affect a family. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the U.S. government is investigating all-terrain-like vehicles, or ATVs, after numerous reports of ATV accidents have surfaced. In this first segment on ATV accidents, our Toledo, Ohio ATV accident attorneys will address how these accidents happen. Yamaha Rhino accidents, which seem to occur most often, can happen even when a driver is not driving recklessly. Yamaha Rhinos are tall and have a narrow wheelbase, making it more likely that they will tip over during a turn. Even people who were wearing a helmet and using the factory-installed seatbelt suffered injuries from Yamaha Rhino ATV accidents. The types of injuries that a person can suffer will be discussed in our next blog, ìATV accidents, Yamaha Rhino accidents under scrutiny by U.S. government ≠ Part II.î Turning quickly, or riding up or down a hill at an angle can cause an ATV to rollover. Until 2008, Yamaha Rhinos were not equipped with doors. If a driver felt the ATV starting to tip, many times they would stick their leg out to prevent a rollover, since there was nothing to keep their legs inside the vehicle. Even seatbelted drivers would have their legs pinned under the 1,100-pound ATV. [ read more ]

OUR OPINION: Seanís Law: Making childís play safer
The Patriot-Ledger

QUINCY — On Oct. 22, 2006, Mark and Katie Kearney of Plymouth got the call that no parent ever expects or wants to get: Their 8-year-old son, Sean, had been in a serious ATV accident at a friendís house and was in critical condition at the hospital. Five days later, Sean Kearney died in his parents arms. But rather than let their grief consume them, the Kearneys began a campaign to prevent other parents from receiving the same heart-wrenching phone call by regulating the age for driving ATVs and snowmobiles and make adults more responsible for their actions. The bill, which when lawmakers return will likely be dubbed ìSeanís Law,î would make Massachusetts the strictest in the nation in governing ATVs and snowmobiles but given that 19 states have no minimum and North Dakota appears to be the lowest at 12, thatís not saying much. Massachusetts current law is both weak and ambiguous. While the law prohibits anyone under the age of 14 to operate an ATV without adult supervision, the regulations put in place state that no one under 10 may operate the vehicles under any circumstance. [ read more ]

Plymouth couple soldiering on in ATV cause
The Enterprise-News

PLYMOUTH — As they observe the second anniversary of the death of their 8-year-old son, a Plymouth couple continue to push for a law to keep young children off all-terrain vehicles. Katie Kearney and her husband, Mark, are confident that legislation limiting the age of ATV operators will be passed by the state Legislature within a year. The bill, which was written by state Rep. Matthew Patrick, D-Falmouth, could someday become known as Seanís Law. Sean Kearney died in October of 2006, several days after he and a friend fell off an ATV they were riding on a utility trail off Rocky Pond Road. The friend was not seriously injured. The vehicle was owned by the friendís father. Katie Kearney said she had not been told that Sean would be riding on it. [ read more ]

ATV Accidents: Interview with Carolyn Anderson
Lawyers and Settlements

Brockton, MA: Carolyn Anderson, co-founder of Concerned Families for ATV Safety knows all too well the pain of losing a child in an ATV accident. Her son, James, died at the age of 14 in an ATV crash. It was his first time on an ATV and the accident occurred while James was on a vacation with family friends. Now, Anderson is fighting to make sure that other parents do not go through what she went through by proposing legislation to regulate children's use of ATVs. [ read more ]

ATV Rollovers: ATVs are not toys
Lawyers and Settlements

Milwaukee, WI: Despite how they are portrayed in television commercials and magazine advertisements, ATVs are a risk for rollover accidents and should not be considered toys. They can be driven at high speeds and some are prone to rollover accidents, making them all the more dangerous. [ read more ]

ATV Rollover: Interview with Sue Deloretto-Rabe
Lawyers and Settlements

Turner, OR: Sue Deloretto-Rabe has been fighting to make ATVs safe since her son, Kyle, died in an ATV rollover accident in 2002. She says the fight has often been frustrating, with ATV lobbyists successfully fighting against any changes that strengthen ATV warnings. As a co-founder of Concerned Families for ATV Safety, Deloretto-Rabe says ATVs are far too dangerous for children and laws must be passed to protect them. [ read more ]

Safety Group Questions ATVS and Children's Use
News Channel 9

Experts are calling them weapons of destruction and they can be found in many neighborhoods across the Tennessee Valley. You may remember back in June when 9 year old Talon Grissom died when his ATV skidded into Dolly Pond Lane and a SUV hit him. Talon was not wearing a helmet and was airlifted to TC Thompson Children's hospital where he later died. It's cases like Talon's that have Safe and Sound, a group with the hospital focusing on these so called toys which many say are the perfect recipe for tragedy. "Make absolutely no mistake, it is not a toy. Not at all a toy. An ATV can turn deadly very quickly and we have seen that happen," said Becky Campbell, the Coordinator for Safe and Sound. [ read more ]

Children should not be allowed to operate off-highway vehicles
The Grand-Junction Sentinel

In Grand Junction, the police dismiss the collision between a 5-year-old child, who was going the wrong way on an off-road track on his mini-sized dirt bike, and a speeding motocross rider as ìan unfortunate accident.î This characterization of a catastrophe suggests that the crash couldnít have been avoided. Experts say it could have: Simply keep children off off-highway vehicles. OHVs are also known as all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, and riding has become a family activity in most of the country. Manufacturers market machines made especially for children. One industry response to the crisis in injuries of children under 16 is a proposal to create an intermediate-sized and intermediate-powered vehicle to market to 12- to 15-year-olds before they gravitate to adult machines. Critics of this plan argue that more children on more OHVs is unlikely to be a solution. Besides, the availability of lower-powered and smaller machines will not in itself prevent young riders from mounting adult machines. [ read more ]

Medical community backs ATV limits
The Boston Globe

I read your report on all-terrain vehicles ("Bill would put curbs on ATV use," Globe South, Aug. 24) with interest. Your only mention about who has endorsed S2772 was limited to the American Academy of Pediatrics and Massachusetts Prevent Injuries Now Network. I am disappointed that you did not represent the opinion of the medical experts, as this is a public health issue. As you might be aware, Bill S2772 was originally filed by Representatives Matthew Patrick, Barbara L'Italien, and Thomas Kennedy, carefully redrafted by the Joint Transportation Committee, and recently unanimously endorsed by the Senate. Its purpose has become very comprehensive, with emphasis on protecting the children of the Commonwealth as well as the environment. It also considers penalties and registration fees that would enable enforcement. [ read more ]

All-terrain vehicles safety crisis
Used trailers for sale

There is an ATV safety crisis in America today, and it poses a great threat to the health and well being of our nationís children. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) were first made available in the United States in the early 1970ís, and have become increasingly popular ever since. At first glance, ATVs may seem harmless; however the number of ATV-related injuries and deaths continues to rise with their popularity. Over 136,000 Americans suffer ATV-related injuries and deaths ever year and over one-third of the victims are children under 16 years of age. Despite the increasing epidemic, ATV manufacturers continue to market bigger, faster, and more dangerous ATVs for children. ATVs have been available in the United States for approximately 40 years. They are three- or four- wheel motorized machines specifically designed for off-road travel. ATVs are intended for single occupant use and are characterized as an open chassis or frame, which travels on large, low-pressure tires, and uses handlebars for steering. Three-wheel machines have not been manufactured since 1988, however many still remain in use. ATV engines range from 49cc to 950cc and can travel at speeds well above 70 miles per hour. [ read more ]

ATV injuries at Oceano Dunes pain medical community

Those who live in and around the Oceano Dunes may look at off-roading from many perspectives, but there is one group that is close to single-minded about it: those who treat the injured.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has waged war on those who allow children to ride off-road vehicles.

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ATV Rollover Accidents: Understanding the Warnings

Minneapolis, MN: One of the few positives about the end of summer is a lessening in the number of ATV accidents that are reported. During summer months, and into the fall, ATV accidents occur on a daily basis. Some of the accidents are not fatal, but too many are. And still, despite the high number of ATV accidents, ATV makers do not seem to be at all interested in making their products safer or adequately warning ATV users about the risks. In fact, many manufacturers only make their products safer when they are forced to, either by law or by lawsuits. [ read more ]

Editorial: Too young to die. too young to ride?
The Star News

It's hard to imagine anything worse than losing a child. The past two days the Star-News has documented the tragic cases of three Pender County youths who were killed in accidents on all-terrain vehicles, often called 4-wheelers. Make no mistake - ATVs are not toys, and the fun people have on them can quickly turn deadly. Accidents among youths riding ATVs are so prevalent that a national group, Concerned Families for ATV Safety, was formed to provide not only safety education, but also support for victims. [ read more ]

Safety laws are difficult to enforce
The Star News

While North Carolina is considered ahead of other states when it comes to all-terrain vehicle safety laws, officials say those laws can be difficult to enforce. Riders will disappear from a location by the time an officer responds to a complaint or head into woods where a car can't follow. Other times, the riders or their parents don't know the laws. ATV safety legislation went into effect Dec. 1, 2005, in an effort to prevent child deaths. [ read more ]

Bill that aimed to improve safety for youngsters at Oceano Dunes fails to muster state support
San Luis Obispo Tribune

A bill that intended to improve safety for youngsters riding all-terrain vehicles at the Oceano Dunes and other off-road areas died quietly in a legislative committee last month, after ATV enthusiasts and State Parks opposed it. State Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria, introduced SB 1228 at the behest of Larry Foreman, an emergency room doctor at Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, and the California chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Foreman has been lobbying for greater ATV safety since he became disturbed at treating so many youngsters who were hurt in off-road vehicle accidents at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. The bill, which died July 2, would have made it mandatory for children younger than 16 to be supervised by a parent or guardian while riding off-highway vehicles. The law now requires direct supervision of those younger than 14. [ read more ]

Imminent danger: Youth and ATV's
The Beaufort Gazette

Near the state's border with North Carolina a family is grieving today over the loss of a 7-year-old son. State residents grieve with them, but this was a preventable tragedy. The boy died after the all-terrain vehicle he was driving ran into the path of a tractor-trailer at his grandparents' house in York County. And the number of tragic deaths of youngsters is growing across the nation, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Another ATV danger: children ó and parents who allow kids to use them

While the inferior quality of Chinese-made all-terrain vehicles certainly is a safety issue, a much greater safety issue is the use of ATVs by children. The article "Foreign ATVs may be new danger" (Aug. 3) points out that while Missouri requires drivers of ATVs to be licensed drivers at least 16 years of age, in Illinois children of any age may operate ATVs. Illinois and the rest of the country would do well to emulate Missouri and treat ATVs as the motor vehicles they are. [ read more ]

Practice ATV safety
Wilson County News

Although driving ATVs (all-terrain vehicles or four-wheelers) allows children to practice their driving skills, the activity may be too dangerous for most kids and preteens. [ read more ]

Perris man gets probation in ATV crash that killed baby son
Inland News

A Perris man was sentenced to probation Friday for an all-terrain vehicle crash in which his 8-month-old son was killed. In March 2007, Norman Spencer Davis Jr. was driving about 40 mph on San Jacinto Avenue east of Forrest Drive near Perris, using one arm to hold the boy, who was seated between his legs. A tire of the ATV bumped the tire of another ATV and Davis and his son were thrown off, killing the boy, according to court documents. Davis pleaded guilty to felony child endangerment and faced a maximum of 12 years in prison. Deputy Public Defender Lana Kreidie argued that the charges should be reduced to misdemeanors because Davis is a hard worker who supports his family and does not have a previous criminal history. [ read more ]

VIEWPOINT: Children younger than 16 shouldn't ride ATVs
Grand Forks Herald

GRAND FORKS - Recently, news stories reported the tragic loss of a local boy in an ATV crash as well as other children and adults hurt or killed around our region. First and foremost, I give my sympathies to these families for suffering such a terrible loss. Most parents who suffer a loss such as this hope that their loss won't be experienced by others, and that others may learn from the incident and take precautions to eliminate the risk. I can only imagine that these parents involved feel the same way. Safe Kids Grand Forks is a coalition whose mission is to prevent accidental injuries and death to children younger than 14. Altru Health System serves as the lead agency for Safe Kids Grand Forks. Last year, we conducted a study on the number of ATV-related injuries we were seeing in our emergency room. Alarmingly, we are seeing the numbers increase and the ages of the injured children dropping to include the very young. We must do more to educate the public on the dangers of these vehicles.

ATV Rollover Accident Changed Life
Lawyers and Settlements

Minneapolis, MN: In any ATV rollover it is easy to blame the driver of the vehicle, to assume that he or she was inexperienced, driving too fast or taking too many risks. But what about when that accident happens to a man with years of experience, who was simply moving a Yamaha Rhino from one location to another at his workplace? "About a year and a half ago, I worked for a dealership," Bob says. "I was moving the Rhino from the warehouse to the front parking lot like we do every morning. I was on gravel and making a right turn at about maybe five miles per hour. It was a sharp right turn and the machine tipped over. My leg fell out and was crushed by the rollbar. "Some guys came and picked the machine off me. I went to the hospital and my leg was squished and burst open at the calf. I wound up having minor surgery but I have a six-inch scar on my leg. I was off work for a week and a half, although I should have stayed off longer; I couldn't afford to not work. I lost a lot of wages because I was off work and then, when I was at work, it was hard to chase down customers being on crutches.[ read more ]

Hooray for Ouray and friends!
Denver Crime Examiner

A handful of Southwestern Colorado counties are pushing for the state to follow their lead and require driver's licenses and liability insurance for ATV riders. Currently, state law does not require liability insurance for ATV riders and allows people as young as 10 years old to operate them. According to reports, officials in Ouray, San Juan, San Miguel and Hinsdale counties in 2006 enacted stricter laws to keep visitors to the Alpine Loop - a trail lining Silverton, Ouray and Lake City - safe. A park ranger in the area last year issued 250 warnings and 15 tickets, imposing $150 fines on each recipient.[ read more ]

All-terrain safety highlighted by state
Hartselle Enquirer

In response to the increasing incidence of life-altering injuries in children from all-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes, the Alabama Department of Public Health, the Children's Hospital of Alabama, the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and VOICES for Alabama's Children have launched a statewide educational and awareness campaign.[ read more ]

No Children Under 16 on ATVs
Kansas City InfoZine

Nationwide, approximately 130 children under the age of 16 die each year as a result of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) related injuries. Moreover, an estimated 40,000 children under the age of sixteen are seriously injured each year in ATV-related incidents. While a helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries, there are no safety devices that adequately protect against other injuries commonly sustained while riding ATVs. Accordingly, SafeKids Kansas recommends that children under age 16 should never ride on or operate ATVs of any size, including youth-sized ATVs.[ read more ]

Senate approves tighter regulations on ATVs, snow vehicles
Wicked Local Plymouth

The Senate voted Tuesday, June 24, to expand regulations for operators of all-terrain vehicles in Massachusetts. The bill will require all ATVs and snow vehicles to be registered by Sept. 1, 2008, and enforce strict age requirements in the use of these vehicles. In just the past two weeks, four children under the age of 16 were admitted to Massachusetts hospitals after ATV accidents. ìThis legislation, passed by the Senate, will undoubtedly save the lives of many children and stem the tide of the preventable brain injuries and paralysis that have become commonplace in the trauma centers of this Commonwealth,î said Dr. Peter T. Masiakos, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital. Senate President Therese Murray, D-Plymouth, said the bill imposes regulations needed to keep ATV users safe and to ensure that negligent users are held accountable. ìIt is our obligation to make sure that unlawful use of snowmobiles and recreation vehicles is not a threat to public safety,î she said. ìThis bill will lessen unlawful ATV practices that harm our children and unnecessarily damage our environment.î In 2007, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation created an Off-Highway Vehicle Working Group to address growing concerns about the illegal and unsafe use of snowmobiles and recreation vehicles. Much of this bill stems from their work.[ read more ]

Youth injuries down on bikes, up on ATVs
The Register-Herald

Fewer children are turning up in emergency rooms nowadays after getting hurt in bicycle crashes. Conversely, the number of walking wounded in need of bodily repair is up among juveniles riding all-terrain vehicles. Whatís the difference? Safety leaders point to the use of headgear as one reason, a key provision in an extensive bicycle law that appears far more comprehensive than the one governing four-wheelers. In West Virginia, helmets are only required for riders under 15, but over the years, a cultural change has inspired widespread usage of them by adults as well. A bareheaded adult on a bicycle is a rare sight.[ read more ]

ATVs unrestricted as death toll rises
Hutchinson News

Many frown on kid use, but there are no laws in Kan., where 1 child died recently. In Kansas, 16 people were injured and one person died in ATV accidents in 2007, compared to 12 injuries and seven deaths in 2006, according to the Kansas Farm Bureau, which tracks the incidents. No statistics were available yet for 2008, but last week, 13-year-old Shynia Randles died at Syracuse Sand Dunes Recreational Park when an ATV she was driving was hit by a dune buggy. Randles was wearing a helmet. [ read more ]

Boost minimum age for all-terrain riders
Courier Post

Teenagers must be at least 17 to receive a driver's license. Set the same restriction for ATV riders. Once again, a South Jersey family is dealing with the loss of a child killed in an ATV accident and a community is in mourning.

Group continues its fight for ban on riding ATVs before 16
Charleston Daily Mail

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- Kim Smith doesn't need a study from West Virginia University to know that at least 10 children a day start out on an all-terrain vehicle and end up in a hospital bed: Her son is one of the statistics. Smith is a national outreach coordinator for the Concerned Families for ATV Safety, a nonprofit organization founded in 2005 by parents dedicated to reducing injuries and deaths among children. The group wants Congress to conduct an inquiry into the costs of childhood ATV accidents and to ban their use by all children under 16.

Group Pushing For New ATV Laws
Charleston Daily Mail

Kim Smith doesn't need a study from West Virginia University to know that at least 10 children a day start out on an all-terrain vehicle and end up in a hospital bed: Her son is one of the statistics. [ read more ]

ATV casualties: Another year of bad news
Consumer Reports

The numbers are in, and they're not pretty. ATVs killed 111 children under 16 and injured 39,300 seriously enough to send them to the emergency room in 2006. Parents should never allow their children under the age of 16 to drive or ride as a passenger on an ATV. [ read more ]

Rise in ATV-accident deaths intensifies debate over safety
The Wall Street Journal

Deaths in all-terrain-vehicle accidents are on the rise. Children under age 16 sustained nearly 30% of serious ATV-related injuries in 2006. "How much more proof do we need that children under 16 don't belong on ATVs," said RenÈe Jenkins, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Like many safety advocates, Ms. Jenkins scolded the CPSC for putting more emphasis on training youth riders rather than restricting their ability to operate four-wheelers. [ read more ]

Lawmaker wants curfew for kids using OHVs
Yuma Sun

A proposed state law that would regulate the use of off-highway vehicles by minors is a poor substitute for parental supervision, say both a Yuma OHV service manager and a Yuma area law enforcement officer whose department would enforce the law. [ read more ]

House Bill to Make Minors Wear Helmets on ATVís
KHON Channel 2

This is every parents nightmare, and it's not that rare. "Well every year they're finding about 136-thousand injuries and of those injuries 40-thousand plus have been in children under sixteen. So we've got to kind of stop these injuries some how," says Barbara Marumoto, (R) East Honolulu Representative. [ read more ]

Lawmakers seek to stop ATV injuries
Frederick News-Post

ANNAPOLIS -- After hearing about three county deaths in three years from all-terrain vehicle crashes, Delegate Rick Weldon is supporting legislation that promotes ATV safety. Weldon, a Republican representing Frederick and Washington counties, and Delegate Paul Stull, a Republican representing Frederick County, have thrown their support behind a bill requiring children younger than 16 to wear helmets while riding ATVs. The bill could change, however, as lawmakers struggle with complex factors leading to ATV injuries. [ read more ]

ATV safety could prevent tragedy
News 14 Carolina

GASTONIA, N.C. -- The tragic death of a 7-year old Gaston County girl over the weekend has some questioning the safety of all-terrain vehicles. In some stores, more ATVs are being sold now than ever before. [ read more ]

Boy injured in ATV crash facing amputation

GASTON COUNTY, N.C. -- Doctors have called a young Gaston County boy a miracle. In July, he darted in the path of an on-coming car while riding an ATV without a helmet and survived. Now his family is struggling with some very difficult news: Doctors will not be able to save his leg. Seven-year-old Andrew Hastings is all boy. He loves playing football, basketball, and running. “We used to call him ‘Flash’ because he's so fast,” said Andrew’s mother, Jaira Elizabeth Hastings.“I used to be,” said Andrew. [ read more ]



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